Vårens föreläsningar för ILCA medlemmar
- 3 feb 2024
Save the Dates
Free lecture series!
ILCA Sweden is putting on another series of 3 online talks this year which you can attend live online or watch afterwards (assuming all the recordings work this time!). This year they will be in March instead of February.
All you need to do to attend is to pay your yearly ILCA Sweden membership which you were hopefully going to do anyway. The membership helps keep our class healthy inside and outside of Sweden and contributes to making more coaching opportunities available around the country and at major events. ILCA Sweden membership is also required at ILCA GP and SM and Master SM events each year.
Lecture 1 Ian presents Claes Lundin’s recent videos on Protesting
-Thursday March 14 kl 19:30-21:30
(This will be a mix of Swedish videos and English discussion)
Lecture 2 Hanna Koba’s Campaign
-Tuesday March 19 kl 19:30-21:30
(This will be in Swedish)
Lecture 3 Ian presents (selected) Notes of Tactics and Strategy
-Wednesday March 27 kl 19:30-21:30
(This lecture will be in English, but I should be able to handle Swedish questions)
We will attempt to record the talks for paid ILCA SWE members to watch afterwards if they can’t make it live.
Sailors from other countries who would like to participate are welcome if they show proof of membership to their own regional ILCA Class: ILCA Norge, ILCA NA, ILCA UK etc.